Laurinburg Comprehensive Treatment Center
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(877) 927-0948
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921 US HWY 401
Laurinburg, NC 28352
24/7 Appointment Scheduling
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Breaking the cycle of addiction starts with asking for help.
Laurinburg CTC helps patients establish a strong foundation for opioid addiction recovery.
Is Laurinburg CTC right for you?
Laurinburg Comprehensive Treatment Center (CTC) offers outpatient treatment for adults age 18 and older of all genders who are struggling with opioid use disorder. The center, which is located in Laurinburg, NC, provides medication-assisted treatment (MAT).

“Coming to the clinic was the best decision I have made for myself. I know I wouldn’t be on this earth without it. I have been given a second chance at life because of the clinic.”
– A Former Client