Racine Comprehensive Treatment Center
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Breaking the cycle of addiction starts with asking for help.
Racine CTC helps patients establish a strong foundation for opioid addiction recovery.
Is Racine CTC right for you?
Racine Comprehensive Treatment Center (CTC) offers outpatient treatment for adults age 18 and older of all genders who are struggling with opioid use disorder. The center, which is located in Racine, WI, provides medication-assisted treatment (MAT).
About Racine Comprehensive Treatment Center in Racine, WI
Racine Comprehensive Treatment Center (CTC), which is located in Racine, Wisconsin, serves adults age 18 and older of all genders who have developed opioid use disorder. Our treatment center provides medication-assisted treatment, or MAT.
MAT is an effective form of opioid addiction treatment that incorporates prescription medication and counseling. In years past, methadone clinics that only offered one medication were the most common sources of MAT. Today, Racine CTC offers multiple types of prescription medications, including methadone, naltrexone, buprenorphine, and Suboxone®, to ensure that we can best meet each adult’s specific needs.
When you first enter treatment at our facility, you will complete a thorough assessment and meet with a physician. This professional will review the benefits and features of methadone and the other medications we offer, and they’ll work with you to determine which medication is right for you. Your treatment team will also work closely with you to calibrate the dosage so that you receive maximum benefit from methadone or one of the other prescription medications our center can provide.
Therapies Used at Our Racine Methadone Clinic
Methadone, buprenorphine, naloxone, and Suboxone® can provide significant relief from withdrawal symptoms, so you can end your opioid use without experiencing the tremendous distress that would otherwise occur.
But medications cannot address the social, behavioral, and emotional aspects of opioid addiction and recovery. To best prepare you to make the lifestyle changes that will empower you to achieve successful long-term recovery from opioid addiction, we also provide individual and group counseling.
During counseling sessions, you can receive informed guidance from experienced professionals. You can also share support and learn from others who are in the process of recovering from opioid addiction. Racine CTC is more than just a methadone clinic where you receive medication without additional services. Here, you will receive the comprehensive support you need so that you can develop the skills and strategies that will help you avoid relapse and build a healthier life for yourself.
What to Expect at Racine CTC
Recovery from opioid addiction is a lifelong process, and no two people have identical experiences. At our treatment center in Racine, Wisconsin, we want each adult to also have a unique, personalized experience with us. However, we have also established several fundamental features and principles that benefit every person who receives MAT with us.
For example, every person who chooses our center can expect to be treated with respect, to receive compassionate care without judgment, and to work in active collaboration with the members of their treatment team.
Many people believe that MAT involves going to a methadone clinic for medication and nothing else. At Racine CTC, you will be welcomed into a vibrant recovery community where you’ll have the encouragement, support, and structure you need to take significant strides toward long-term recovery from opioid addiction.

“Without the clinic, I truly believe I would not be here today. I know deep down I would have over dosed and died. You guys have given me a 2nd chance at my life.”