Salem Comprehensive Treatment Center
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Breaking the cycle of addiction starts with asking for help.
Salem CTC helps patients establish a strong foundation for opioid addiction recovery.
Is Salem CTC right for you?
Salem Comprehensive Treatment Center (CTC) offers outpatient treatment for adults age 18 and older of all genders who are struggling with opioid use disorder. The center, which is located in Salem, OR, provides medication-assisted treatment (MAT).
About Salem Comprehensive Treatment Center in Salem, OR
Salem Comprehensive Treatment Center (CTC), located in Salem, Oregon, offers medication-assisted treatment (MAT) to adults age 18 and older of all genders who are struggling with opioid use disorder.
There are methadone clinics that offer only one type of medication as part of MAT, but our Salem center gives four options. Depending on what we determine is the proper medication and dosage for you after a thorough preadmission examination, we may prescribe naltrexone, methadone, Suboxone®, or buprenorphine.
Research shows that MAT gives a person a better chance at successful long-term recovery and decreases their risk of relapse. But medication isn’t the only element that has led to those conclusions. Therapy is an equally important component of medication-assisted treatment, and at our Salem clinic, you’ll participate in both group and individual sessions.
Our Treatment Therapies
A methadone clinic that focuses heavily on the medication component of MAT isn’t giving people the best chance at positive recovery outcomes. That’s why our Salem addiction treatment center believes strongly in the therapeutic element of our care.
Methadone or another type of medication will help with the physical symptoms of withdrawal and lessen any opioid cravings you may have. But therapy sessions will open up your mind from a social and mental standpoint. You’ll be able to examine the behaviors that may have steered you toward opioid addiction and correct them so that you can stay on the path to lasting recovery.
Individual therapy at our Salem center places you together with a trained professional to talk through your past and implement decisions that will lead to a more hopeful future. A counselor will oversee group sessions as well, but this type of therapy gives you opportunities to empathize with other adults who are going through similar struggles. You’ll be able to develop relationships that can carry great meaning and share support as you all work toward a common goal.
What to Expect at Salem CTC Methadone Clinic
Anyone who decides to receive treatment for opioid addiction is taking a significant step. You want to make sure that you find a methadone clinic that focuses on your unique strengths and doesn’t just treat your symptoms.
Our Salem addiction treatment center makes sure that we understand each patient from the outset. At your intake appointment, we’ll administer some basic tests and ask you a series of questions that will give us a good idea of where you’re coming from and where you want to go. This will help us develop a personalized treatment plan that will let you embrace the specific challenges you’re facing.
At our Salem clinic, we understand that it’s not easy to admit that you need help. Once you do, we want you to focus solely on what you set out to do: begin the recovery process and return to living the life of hope and happiness you deserve.

“Without the clinic, I truly believe I would not be here today. I know deep down I would have over dosed and died. You guys have given me a 2nd chance at my life.”